Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Carry On Hayridin'

I cannot believe that it has already been over two weeks since the Hotrod Hayride came and went! Once again the weekend excelled itself and flashed past in a blur of cars, music, rum and friends. I did my documenting of the event a little differently this year and instead of writing up a lengthy blog I decided to film my experience instead, so below you'll find my two-part vlog on all the shenanigans (well most of them, some were too drunken to show you!) and then some photos to accompany it!


Carry on Hayridin' Part One

Carry on Hayridin' Part Two

Photo credits to Subsculptures Photography

Here is me and the other Atomic Bombshells doing a little modelling and flyering for the new vintage festival Atomic! A great time was had by all even if we were sweltering in our jumpers in the British summer heat!

As I said before friends played a big part in this year's Hayride. I met up with three lovely lads called Sam, Rick and Harry who put up with me and my friend Steve all weekend. We were a nice little gang I reckon.

Here we are! (Plus Salvatore and minus Sam who was behind the camera) Evidently we were kinda merry by this point...especially Rick.

Lots of dancing was going on on both nights - sadly I am still no good at jiving :(

I was a little bit fixated with the array of beards that were on show this year but this man, complete with beehive and blue eyeshadow, really stole the show!

So there we have it! We had some modelling, some dancing, some drinking (okay...more than some), lots of friends, and just a general jolly good time!

Only 348 days until the next one!

Friday, 2 August 2013


Hello! How have we all been? I've had a hectic couple of weeks since we last spoke, all of which I'm going to be filling you in with in the next two or three posts.

First up is news on my graduation! Now, a bit of a downer to start because my dad lost his camera (and all the graduation photos on it) at some point during the day which was more than a bit pooey. Thankfully I had a few on my own camera and so did my mum - some friends also kindly donated their images to me. But enough of that, on with the day...

It was an early start (6:30am! Eugh!) for me to get myself ready. This was the first time my flatmate saw me in curlers, and I'm not entirely sure what he thought. Anyway, I brushed it all out and donned my handmade dress that my mum had slaved over the previous week. The weather was absolutely scorchio and I was dreading donning the black robe and mortar board over my black dress, but it was all worth it to get the 2.1 with honours certificate at the end of the day and to celebrate the end of three years with my friends.